Zion Global Worship Centre

Case Study Amazing Study Awesome Study Successful

Here’s how we increased engagement and generated more high quality contents.

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Zion Global Worship Centre

Increased Their Viewership by 150%

Zion Global Worship Centre

increased their social media presence 400%

Client Overview: Zion Global Worship Centre is a vibrant church community dedicated to spreading the message of faith, hope, and love.  the church has been committed to nurturing spiritual growth and fostering a sense of belonging among its members.


Client Objectives: In 2016, Zion Global Worship Centre partnered with Herald Group, a dynamic multimedia and social media handling team, to establish and enhance their online presence across various platforms. The primary objectives included:

  1. Building a robust social media presence on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
  2. Engaging with existing members and reaching out to potential new members.
  3. Elevating brand visibility and recognition through strategic content creation and branding efforts.
  4. Increasing viewership and subscribers on social media channels.
  5. Enhancing the visual identity of the church through logo redesign.

Our Approach: Herald Group devised a comprehensive and tailored plan to address Zion Global Worship Centre’s objectives effectively. The following strategies were implemented:

  1. Platform Establishment: We created and optimized dedicated Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages for Zion Global Worship Centre to ensure a cohesive and professional online presence.

  2. Content Strategy: Our team curated compelling and relevant content, including inspirational quotes, event highlights, live streams of services, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, designed to resonate with the church’s audience and foster engagement.

  3. Community Engagement: We actively engaged with followers through responding to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly, fostering a sense of community and belonging among online followers.

  4. Branding Enhancement: Herald Group revamped Zion Global Worship Centre’s visual identity by redesigning their logo, infusing it with elements that reflect the church’s core values and mission.

  5. Targeted Campaigns: Leveraging data analytics and audience insights, we implemented targeted advertising campaigns to expand the reach of the church’s message and attract new followers.

Sandy Löfgren
Sandy Löfgren@rebbengts
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Lorin Eklund
Lorin Eklund@lorineklund
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Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
brand Objectives

Elevate brand presence, engage audience, drive conversations, achieve organizational goals.

Don’t Worry, we will be with your throughout your Journey.

1. Relentless

Aiming for greatness in every project. Our mission is to be relentless until you have the best…

2. Resilient

Evolving with the market, looking for each and every opportunity to increase your brand value through and through…

brand Values


Through our collaborative efforts, Zion Global Worship Centre experienced significant growth and success on social media platforms:

3. Visionary

Aiming for greatness in every project. Building and redefining again and again until it matches your standard.

4. Sparking Conversation

Evolving until you are there where you are supposed to be. It is a race against time. 




Herald Group’s collaboration with Zion Global Worship Centre exemplifies our commitment to empowering organizations to thrive in the digital landscape. By leveraging the power of social media and strategic branding, we successfully amplified the church’s online presence, facilitated community engagement, and contributed to their mission of spreading positivity and inspiration worldwide.

Contact us to learn how Herald Group can help elevate your brand’s presence and impact in the digital sphere.

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turning every frame into Growth.

lets turn every possibilities into an opportunity. 

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