About Us

A social media voice for your church/ business.

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About me

Hi, I’m Herald Irene Joy founder and an entrepreneur. Leading this venture was with the guidance of heaven. Wanna know more about me. Click here.

Press & Media

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“Our vision is to illuminate the digital landscape with integrity, compassion, and excellence, inspiring audiences with compelling content while spreading the message of hope, love, and positivity.”

My Skills

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“Our mission is to creatively engage digital platforms to amplify positive messages rooted in Christian values, fostering meaningful connections, and impacting lives positively.”

My Awards




Zion Global Worship Centre

Increased Their social media presence Rate by 400%

Zion Global Worship Centre

increased social media presence 400%
See Details

Neue Welle

Booked 80 Demos in a Month (Without Using Forms)

Neue Welle Co.

Had Over 1,200 Conversations In First Four Months. Booked 80 Demos in a Month (Without Using Forms)
See Details

Thrive Now

4.000 New Leads + $1M in Pipeline in 3 months

Aasen Co.

Had Over 1,200 Conversations In First Four Months. Booked 80 Demos in a Month (Without Using Forms)
See Details
Our Mission

Elevate brand presence, engage audience, drive conversations, achieve organizational goals.

Don’t Worry, we will be with your throughout your Journey.

1. Relentless

Aiming for greatness in every project. In culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et fuga.

2. Resilient

Evolving with the market, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est.

Social Media Doubled. Tripled.

like to be heard? We will make it louder… really louder

Trusted by clients like

Address List

Herald Group

We are here to Help you Grow.